Engine Updates: v0.0.14

Farhan Khwaja

We're excited to announce the release a new & updated version of thirdweb Engine, v0.0.14 . It's available on our Docker Hub Repo

Breaking Change in Engine v0.0.14:

  • Deprecated Feature: Engine no longer supports the ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN environment variable. This change is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance security and configuration flexibility.
  • New CORS Configuration Endpoints:
    • To manage CORS, utilize the following new endpoints on the Engine Dashboard:
      • Add CORS Url(s): Use the POST /configuration/cors endpoint.
      • Remove CORS Url(s): Utilize the DELETE /configuration/cors endpoint.
    • These endpoints can be accessed under the Explorer tab, within the Configuration section of the Engine Dashboard.

This update requires attention for maintaining CORS settings in your environment.


  • Local Docker Fix: Resolved an issue affecting https usage in Local Docker environments, enhancing stability and connectivity.
  • Configuration and Webhooks Enhancement: Updates to Configuration & Webhooks no longer necessitate a server restart, streamlining the update process.
  • Nonce Management: Improved system reliability with automatic nonce resets upon server restart.
  • Webhooks Updates:
    • Enhanced reliability by preventing potential duplicate webhook instances.
    • Expanded webhook coverage to include certain scenarios of Errored Transactions.
  • CORS Configuration Update:
    • Deprecated ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN environment variable.
    • Transitioned CORS configuration management to the configuration table.
    • Introduced new endpoints for CORS configuration:
      • GET /configuration/cors for retrieving CORS URL details.
      • POST /configuration/cors to add new URLs to CORS configuration.
      • DELETE /configuration/cors for removing URLs from CORS configuration.
  • API Updates:
    • Updated implementation to use getChainByChainIdAsync (from getChainByChainId) for improved clarity and consistency.
  • WebSocket Connection Fix: Addressed an issue impacting WebSocket connections during initialization.
  • Claim-Conditions:
    • Newly exposed claim-conditions in REST endpoints for ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155.
    • Facilitates the ability to read all claim-conditions from contracts via Engine.
    • Enables modifications to claim-conditions through write/post endpoints, enhancing contract interaction and management.

If you haven't played with Engine yet, learn more about Engine.