
Converts an array of parameter values to their respective types based on the provided type array.

This utility function is particularly useful for ensuring that parameter values are correctly formatted according to the expected types before they are used in further processing or passed to a Solidity smart contract.


import { parseAbiParams } from "thirdweb/utils";
const example1 = parseAbiParams(
["address", "uint256"],
["0x.....", "1200000"],
); // result: ["0x......", 1200000n]
const example2 = parseAbiParams(
["address", "bool"],
["0x.....", "true"],
); // result: ["0x......", true]
function parseAbiParams(
constructorParamTypes: Array<string>,
constructorParamValues: Array<unknown>,
): Array<string | bigint | boolean>;


An array of type strings indicating the expected types of the values, following Solidity type conventions (e.g., "address", "uint256", "bool").


let constructorParamTypes: Array<string>;

An array of values to be converted according to the types.


let constructorParamValues: Array<unknown>;


let returnType: Array<string | bigint | boolean>;
  • An array of values converted to their respective types.