Build Instructions

All Target Platforms

  • Player Settings: Use IL2CPP over Mono when available.
  • Build Settings: Use Smaller (faster) Builds / Shorter Build Time for IL2CPP Code Generation.
  • Stripping Level: Set Managed Stripping Level to Minimal (Player Settings > Other Settings > Optimization). (Generally not a hard requirement unless using WalletConnect as a wallet provider option.)
  • Strip Engine Code: Make sure this is turned off.


  • WebGL Template: None enforced, feel free to customize!
  • Compression Format: Set to Disabled (Player Settings > Publishing Settings) for final builds.
  • Testing WebGL Social Login Locally: Host the build or run it locally with Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy set to same-origin-allow-popups.

Example setup for testing In-App or Ecosystem Wallet Social Login locally:

// YourWebGLOutputFolder/server.js
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 8000;
app.use((req, res, next) => {
app.listen(port, () =>
console.log(`Server running on http://localhost:${port}`),
// run it with `node server.js`

No action needed for hosted builds.


  • EDM4U: Comes with the package, resolves dependencies at runtime. Use Force Resolve from Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver.
  • Redirect Schemes: Set custom schemes matching your bundle ID in Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml or equivalent to ensure OAuth redirects if using social login.
<!-- Set your bundle id here -->
<!-- Replace 'com.thirdweb.unitysdk' with your desired scheme -->
<data android:scheme="com.thirdweb.unitysdk" />

Troubleshooting OAuth Redirects

If you notice issues with redirects on mobile, for instance hanging after selecting an account when logging in with Google, you did not setup OAuth properly. Best practice is to use a lowercase bundle id that is the same as your Unity project's application identifier, it must be present in the following places:

  • Your ThirdwebManager prefab Bundle ID field.
  • Your Plugins/AndroidManifest.xml scheme field as mentioned above (it doesn't have to be our default AndroidManifest.xml, it can be in your custom one, just add the scheme).
  • Your thirdweb dashboard project settings as one of:
    • Bundle ID Allowlist field (those automatically added to allowed redirect URIs).
    • In-App Wallet Configuration Allowed redirect URIs field.