
Prompt users to connect to your app with their WalletConnect-compatible wallet. Supports 400+ wallets.


using Thirdweb;
public async void ConnectWallet()
// Reference to your Thirdweb SDK
var sdk = ThirdwebManager.Instance.SDK;
// Configure the connection
var connection = new WalletConnection(
provider: WalletProvider.WalletConnect, // The wallet provider you want to connect to (Required)
chainId: 1 // The chain you want to connect to (Required)
// Connect the wallet
string address = await sdk.Wallet.Connect(connection);



Displays the WalletConnect modal, customized based on your ThirdwebManager settings.


Instantiates the customizable WalletProvider_WalletConnect UI prefab, displaying the WalletConnect modal. Typical connection is though a QR code scan.


Instantiates the customizable WalletProvider_WalletConnect UI prefab, displaying the WalletConnect modal. Typical connection is though deep linking.


You may customize the WalletProvider_WalletConnect prefab to fit your app's design. The prefab is located at Assets/Thirdweb/Core/Prefabs and referenced in the ThirdwebManager prefab.

Additional Options

You may set the your WalletConnect Project ID (all platforms) and explorer recommended wallet ids in the ThirdwebManager prefab.