Runtime Settings

ThirdwebRuntimeSettings provides configuration settings for the Thirdweb SDK within Unreal Engine. These settings are used by the SDK to manage essential information like client credentials and storage paths.

The runtime settings are located in Edit > Project Settings > Engine > Thirdweb.


  • AuthenticationMethod: Toggles configuration between BundleID and SecretKey.
  • ClientID: The client ID used to authenticate with Thirdweb services.
  • BundleID: The bundle ID associated with the application.
  • SecretKey: A secret key used for secure interactions with Thirdweb.
  • EngineSigners: Optional array of engine signers stored globally for convenience

Configuration Requirements

ClientID + BundleID or SecretKey are required for authentication with Thirdweb services.

Class Functions

  • Get(): Retrieve the current UThirdwebRuntimeSettings instance.
  • GetThirdwebGlobalEngineSigners(): Retrieve the EngineSigners array.
  • GetThirdwebGlobalEngineSigner(bFound): Retrieve the first Engine Signer from the EngineSigners array, if any.
  • GetStorageDirectory(): Retrieve the absolute path of the thirdweb InAppWallet platform save directory