
The response object returned by the getBuyWithFiatQuote function.

This includes various information for buying a token using a fiat currency:

  • on-ramp provider UI link

  • The estimated time for the transaction to complete.

  • The on-ramp and destination token information.

  • Processing fees

type BuyWithFiatQuote = {
estimatedDurationSeconds: number;
estimatedToAmountMin: string;
estimatedToAmountMinWei: string;
fromAddress: string;
fromCurrency: {
amount: string;
amountUnits: string;
currencySymbol: string;
decimals: number;
fromCurrencyWithFees: {
amount: string;
amountUnits: string;
currencySymbol: string;
decimals: number;
intentId: string;
maxSlippageBPS: number;
onRampLink: string;
onRampToken: {
amount: string;
amountUSDCents: number;
amountWei: string;
token: {
chainId: number;
decimals: number;
name: string;
priceUSDCents: number;
symbol: string;
tokenAddress: string;
processingFees: Array<{
amount: string;
amountUnits: string;
currencySymbol: string;
decimals: number;
feeType: "ON_RAMP" | "NETWORK";
toAddress: string;
toAmountMin: string;
toAmountMinWei: string;
toToken: {
chainId: number;
decimals: number;
name?: string;
priceUSDCents?: number;
symbol?: string;
tokenAddress: string;