Fetch User Details on the server

If you want to get the user details for a given thirdweb In-App Wallet on the server, you can make a GET request on https://embedded-wallet.thirdweb.com/api/2023-11-30/embedded-wallet/user-details

Here's an example function on how you might perform the query:

export async function fetchInAppWalletMetadataFromThirdweb(
| {
queryBy: "walletAddress";
walletAddress: string;
| {
queryBy: "email";
email: string;
| {
queryBy: "phone";
phone: string;
| {
queryBy: "phone";
phone: string;
| {
queryBy: "id";
id: string;
) {
const url = new URL(
if (args.queryBy === "walletAddress") {
url.searchParams.set("queryBy", "walletAddress");
url.searchParams.set("walletAddress", args.walletAddress);
if (args.queryBy === "email") {
url.searchParams.set("queryBy", "email");
url.searchParams.set("email", args.email);
if (args.queryBy === "phone") {
url.searchParams.set("queryBy", "phone");
url.searchParams.set("phone", args.phone);
if (args.queryBy === "id") {
url.searchParams.set("queryBy", "id");
url.searchParams.set("id", args.phone);
const resp = await fetchReq(url.href, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${THIRD_WEB_CLIENT_SECRET}`,
const data = (await resp.json()) as {
userId: string;
walletAddress: string;
email?: string;
phone?: string;
createdAt: string;
linkedAccounts: {
type: string;
| { phone: string, [key: string]: string; }
| { email: string, [key: string]: string; }
| { address: string, [key: string]: string; };
| { id: string, [key: string]: string; };
return data;