
The ThirdwebStorage class provides methods to interact with any URL including IPFS, allowing you to download and upload data easily.


Download data from an HTTP or IPFS URI.

var data = await ThirdwebStorage.Download<string>(client, "{{uri}}");


Upload file to IPFS and pin it.

var result = await ThirdwebStorage.Upload(client, "{{path/to-file}}");


Upload raw data to IPFS and pin it.

var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{{data}}");
var result = await ThirdwebStorage.UploadRaw(client, bytes);

Example Usage

Downloading JSON Data

var jsonData = await ThirdwebStorage.Download<Dictionary<string, object>>(client, "ipfs://Qm...");

Uploading a File

var uploadResult = await ThirdwebStorage.Upload(client, @"C:\path\to\your\file.txt");
Console.WriteLine($"IPFS Hash: {uploadResult.IpfsHash}");