ThirdwebTransaction Static Methods

The ThirdwebTransaction class includes several static methods that provide functionality to estimate costs, simulate, send and poll transactions and user operations.

These methods are crucial for advanced transaction management and execution in blockchain applications.


Estimate the gas costs of a transaction.

TotalCosts gasCosts = await ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateGasCosts(transaction);


Calculate the total costs of a transaction, combining the gas costs and transaction value.

TotalCosts totalCosts = await ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateTotalCosts(transaction);


Estimate the gas limit of a transaction or user operation.

BigInteger estimatedGasLimit = await ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateGasLimit(transaction);

ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateGasPrice (Legacy)

Estimate the gas price for a transaction, optionally adjusting the estimate by a bump ratio.

BigInteger estimatedGasPrice = await ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateGasPrice(transaction, withBump);

ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateGasFees (EIP-1559)

Estimate the gas fees for a transaction, optionally adjusting the estimate by a bump ratio.

(BigInteger maxFeePerGas, BigInteger maxPriorityFeePerGas) = await ThirdwebTransaction.EstimateGasFees(transaction, withBump);


Simulate the execution of a transaction and return raw data.

string data = await ThirdwebTransaction.Simulate(transaction);


Sign a raw transaction and returns the signed transaction data or the signed user operation json.

string signedTx = await ThirdwebTransaction.Sign(transaction);


Prepares the transaction for sending by setting default values for any unset fields, such as gas limits and gas prices.

ThirdwebTransaction preparedTransaction = await ThirdwebTransaction.Prepare(transaction);


Send a transaction to the blockchain without waiting for confirmation.

string transactionHash = await ThirdwebTransaction.Send(transaction);


Send a transaction and wait for its receipt.

TransactionReceipt receipt = await ThirdwebTransaction.SendAndWaitForTransactionReceipt(transaction);


Wait for a transaction receipt to be available. Throws if reverted explicitly or silently and attempts to decode the revert reason.

TransactionReceipt receipt = await ThirdwebTransaction.WaitForTransactionReceipt(client, chainId, txHash);