Sign in with Ethereum

Authenticate users with your backend securely by proving they own a given Ethereum address.

SIWE (Sign-In with Ethereum) allows anyone to integrate passwordless web3-native authentication and authorization into their applications. Users can then login using any wallet (in-app, external, or smart wallet).

This allows developers to create a familiar, secure authentication flow that works with traditional backends while leveraging the features of a web3 application.

Live Playground

Try out SIWE auth for yourself in the auth live playground

Configuring thirdweb auth

In your backend, configure the auth object with the createAuth function.

import { createThirdwebClient } from "thirdweb";
import { createAuth } from "thirdweb/auth";
const client = createThirdwebClient({
secretKey, // always use secret key for backend code
const thirdwebAuth = createAuth({
domain: "localhost:3000", // your domain
// your backend wallet to sign login payloads
adminAccount: privateKeyToAccount({ client, privateKey }),

The createAuth helper returns an object with all the functions you will need to authenticate users. Check out the createAuth API reference for more details.

Your backend can use those functions to expose a SIWE compliant login flow to your frontend.

Here's an example using server actions and a JWT for session management:

export async function generatePayload(params) {
// generates a SIWE compliant login payload to return to the client
return thirdwebAuth.generatePayload(params);
export async function login(params) {
// verify the user's signature
const verifiedPayload = await thirdwebAuth.verifyPayload(params);
if (verifiedPayload.valid) {
// generate a JWT for the client (or use your own method to store the user session)
const jwt = await thirdwebAuth.generateJWT({
payload: verifiedPayload,
// set the JWT in cookies, or return it to the client to use as needed
return true;
} else {
// the payload is not valid, you can return an error message to the client
return false;
export async function getUser() {
// check if the user is logged in with cookies, storage, or your method of choice
const jwt = getJWTCookie();
const { valid, parsedJWT } = await thirdwebAuth.verifyJWT({ jwt });
if (valid) {
return authResult.parsedJWT.sub; // sub is the user's address
return null;
export async function logout() {
// logout the user, delete cookies, etc.

Usage with UI components

You can then add a SIWE step to the connection flow of the ConnectWallet or ConnectEmbed UI component by configuring the auth option. This will automatically trigger the wallet to sign the login payload returned by getLoginPayload and trigger the doLogin function you implemented in your backend.

import { ThirdwebProvider, ConnectButton } from "thirdweb/react";
import {
} from "@/server/actions/auth";
export default function App() {
const [loggedIn, setLoggedIn] = useState(false);
return (
// The ThirdwebProvider should be at the root of your application, but the ConnectButton can be anywhere
getLoginPayload: async (params) => {
// here you should call your backend, using generatePayload to return
// a SIWE compliant login payload to the client
return generatePayload(params);
doLogin: async (params) => {
// here you should call your backend to verify the signed payload passed in params
// this will verify that the signature matches the intended wallet
return login(params);
isLoggedIn: async () => {
// here you should ask you backend if the user is logged in
// can use cookies, storage, or your method of choice
const user = await getUser();
return !!user;
doLogout: async () => {
// here you should call your backend to logout the user if needed
// and delete any local auth tokens
return logout();

Using your own UI

You can use the signLoginPayload function to trigger the signing of the login payload yourself. This can be useful if you want to use a custom UI for the login flow. You can get the active account that will sign the payload from the useActiveAccount hook.