Wagmi Adapter
Learn how to migrate to thirdweb's ConnectButton component from RainbowKit.
Install the connect SDK in your application
and run into any dependency conflicts, install thirdweb using npm install thirdweb --legacy-peer-deps
Wrap application using ThirdwebProvider
and remove RainbowKitProvider
Import createThirdwebClient
and ConnectButton
from thirdweb and add them to your application. Modify the ConnectButton
by adding the client
To customize your ConnectButton component, view the cheatsheet below or view the customization documentation.
If you are using Wagmi, Viem, or Ethers in your application, use thirdweb adapters to continue using contracts, providers, and wallets from these libraries.
npm install @rainbow-me/rainbowkit wagmi [email protected] @tanstack/react-query
npm install thirdweb