Wallet Credentials

Wallet credentials are authentication details required to interact with different cloud providers and wallet services. They enable secure access to wallet functionality across various platforms.


Each wallet in the system is associated with a credential that contains the necessary authentication details for its specific provider (AWS, GCP, etc.). These credentials are stored securely and can be either:

  • Specified explicitly when creating a wallet
  • Used automatically through default credentials configured for each provider type

Default Credentials

Each provider type (AWS, GCP, etc.) can have one default credential. When creating a wallet without specifying a credential, the system automatically uses the default credential for that provider type.

Creating a Credential

Credentials are created in the dashboard and can be reused across multiple wallets of the same type.

Create a credential

  • In the dashboard, navigate to Configuration > Credentials.
  • Click on Create.
  • Assign a name to the credential.
  • Select the type of the credential.
  • Populate the credential fields which are specific to the type.
  • Click on Create.


When creating a wallet, you can either:

  • Provide a specific credential ID to use custom authentication details
  • Omit the credential ID to automatically use the default credential for your chosen provider


Credential details are stored encrypted securely in the database and are only accessible through authorized system operations. Once created, they are not retrievable. You can still view the credential (label, type), but you cannot access the credential details. This ensures that credentials are secure and cannot be used to gain unauthorized access to your wallets.