Writing your own extensions

You can create your own extensions. They are just regular functions that pre-define the behavior of a prepareContractCall() or readContract() function.

The goal of extensions is to add a layer of convenience to direct contract calls, either to simplify the inputs or to give richer outputs.

Example: Creating the getBalance extension for ERC20 tokens

The erc20/getBalance extension is a very convenient and efficient way to fetch all the information needed to display an ERC20 token balance to a user, a very common usecase for applications. Here is how it is implemented in the SDK.

// Define your extension function
export function getBalance(
// The base options include everything that is needed to interact with the contract, *except* the specific params for your function, in this case, "address"
options: BaseTransactionOptions<{ address: string }>,
) {
// The extension conveniently fetches all the relevant information from the contract to display a readable balance
const [balanceWei, decimals_, symbol_, name_] = await Promise.all([
return {
value: balanceWei,
decimals: decimals_,
// The `toTokens` function converts the balance from wei to a human-readable format
displayValue: toTokens(balanceWei, decimals_),
symbol: symbol_,
name: name_,

Example: Creating the mintTo extension for ERC721 tokens

The erc721/mintTo extension handles uploading the NFT metadata to IPFS before minting. Here is how it is implemented in the SDK.

import {
type BaseTransactionOptions,
} from "thirdweb";
// Define your extension function
export function mintTo(
// The base options include everything that is needed to interact with the contract, *except* the specific params for your function, in this case "to" and "nft"
options: BaseTransactionOptions<{ to: string; nft: NFTMetadata }>,
) {
return prepareContractCall({
// Pass the contract from the options
contract: options.contract,
// Pre-define the function to call on the smart contract
method: "function mintTo(address to, string uri)",
// The function params can be async
params: async () => {
// Upload the metadata to IPFS
const tokenURI = (await upload({
client: options.contract.client,
files: [options.nft],
})[0]) as string;
// return the contract params
return [options.to, tokenURI] as const;