IPFS Storage

The thirdweb SDK comes built-in with an IPFS uploader and downloader.

Download from IPFS

import { download } from "thirdweb/storage";
const file = await download({
uri: "ipfs://Qm...",

You can view all of the configuration options in the full reference.

Upload to IPFS

Uploading JSON objects

import { upload } from "thirdweb/storage";
const uris = await upload({
files: [
name: "something",
data: {
hello: "world",

Uploading files

import { upload } from "thirdweb/storage";
const uris = await upload({
files: [new File(["hello world"], "hello.txt")],

You can view all of the configuration options in the full reference.

Resolve IPFS uris

You can easily convert a ipfs:// uri to a https:// uri with your own IPFS gateway using the resolveScheme function.

The resolved uri will be protected by your api key settings, and only accessible to your whitelisted domains.

import { resolveScheme } from "thirdweb/storage";
const uri = await resolveScheme("ipfs://Qm...");
// resolves to https://<clientId>.ipfscdn.io/Qm...