Deploy ERC-20 Core Contract

Learn how to deploy an ERC-20 Core Contract. This contract serves as the foundation for creating a modular contract with additional features and functionalities.

  • Navigate to the Explore section of your dashboard. This is where you can find and deploy various contracts.

    Modular Contracts
  • Select ERC-20 Core

    Select the ERC-20 Core contract from the list of available contracts. This contract will serve as the base for your modular contract.

    ERC-20 Base
  • Contract Metadata

    Fill out the contract metadata and parameters to your desired preference.

    Contract Metadata
  • Deploy Contract

    Optionally, you may add your contract to an existing project. Select a chain then select Deploy Now.

  • Manage Contract

    Once deployed, select View Contract to be redirected to your contract’s management dashboard.

    Deployed Contract